Roadblocks to Freedom - Part 5
Are you free? According to Colossians 2, we are already free. But what if we can’t see or understand that? My response is this: “You’re only as free as the lies you believe!”
September 24, 2023
Are you free? According to Colossians 2, we are already free. But what if we can’t see or understand that? My response is this: “You’re only as free as the lies you believe!”
Roadblocks to Freedom - Part 4
Who is Jesus? If Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God while he was on planet earth, now that he’s gone, what Is our role? We’re digging into Colossians 1 today.
September 17, 2023
Who is Jesus? If Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God while he was on planet earth, now that he’s gone, what Is our role? We’re digging into Colossians 1 today.
Roadblocks to Freedom - Part 3
Identity. Who are you? Many times our freedom hinges on how we answer that question. Let's dare to explore it together.
September 10, 2023
Identity. Who are you? Many times our freedom hinges on how we answer that question. Let's dare to explore it together.
Roadblocks to Freedom - Part 2
Terms and Conditions of Acceptance. Are we truly living the life of freedom that God desires for us to live, or have we accepted the terms and conditions that everybody else demands from us?
September 3, 2023
Terms and Conditions of Acceptance. Are we truly living the life of freedom that God desires for us to live, or have we accepted the terms and conditions that everybody else demands from us?
Roadblocks to Freedom - Part 1
Consider this: Spiritual warfare for the Christian is really a propaganda war! A war of words, thoughts and ideas...all meant to deceive.
August 27, 2023
Consider this: Spiritual warfare for the Christian is really a propaganda war! A war of words, thoughts and ideas...all meant to deceive.
Roadblocks to Revival Part 4
The Veil. When Jesus died, and the veil of the temple was torn in two, was that merely symbolic, or did that act provide a real-life access for us into the presence of God?
August 13, 2023
The Veil. When Jesus died, and the veil of the temple was torn in two, was that merely symbolic, or did that act provide a real-life access for us into the presence of God?
Roadblocks to Revival Part 3
Help Wanted. In 1 Corinthians, Paul tells us that a spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other. If these gifts are unused and lying dormant, could that possibly be a hindrance to Revival?
August 6, 2023
Help Wanted. In 1 Corinthians, Paul tells us that a spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other. If these gifts are unused and lying dormant, could that possibly be a hindrance to Revival?
Roadblocks to Revival Part 2
Repentance. When you hear the word, do you think, “Been there, done that”? Is true repentance a “one and done”, or is it possible to incorporate it into our daily lives? Let’s take a trip to the dentist to look at this from a practical perspective.
July 30, 2023
Repentance. When you hear the word, do you think, “Been there, done that”? Is true repentance a “one and done”, or is it possible to incorporate it into our daily lives? Let’s take a trip to the dentist to look at this from a practical perspective.
Roadblocks to Revival
Revival… Is it something that just happens or are there things we can do to clear out potential road blocks? Today’s topic is Forgiveness. Is it a big deal? Is it optional? Is it based on how I feel? Does Jesus have anything to say about it? Let’s dive in!
July 23, 2023
Revival… Is it something that just happens or are there things we can do to clear out potential road blocks? Today’s topic is Forgiveness. Is it a big deal? Is it optional? Is it based on how I feel? Does Jesus have anything to say about it? Let’s dive in!
Get Back
No, it’s not Beatles sing-a-long Sunday. We are going to be looking at the Hebrew word “Shalom “ and seeing what that has to do with our title.
July 16, 2023
No, it’s not Beatles sing-a-long Sunday. We are going to be looking at the Hebrew word “Shalom “ and seeing what that has to do with our title.
Law or Love?
Have you figured out how good you have to be for God to love you? Let’s drill down today and see if we are living under law or love.
July 9, 2023
Have you figured out how good you have to be for God to love you? Let’s drill down today and see if we are living under law or love.
Everyone wants a breakthrough, but what if I told you something had to be broken in order for there to be a breakthrough? Psalm 51 is where we’ll be.
June 25, 2023
Everyone wants a breakthrough, but what if I told you something had to be broken in order for there to be a breakthrough? Psalm 51 is where we’ll be.
The Father Son Talk
As king David, the giant slayer, is preparing to die, he has a father-son chat with Solomon that gives him a blueprint for success.
June 18, 2023
As king David, the giant slayer, is preparing to die, he has a father-son chat with Solomon that gives him a blueprint for success.
You’re Killing Me!
If we believe in the concept of the Body of Christ, then does what we do affect each other? Joshua 7 offers us some sobering thoughts on that question.
June 4, 2023
If we believe in the concept of the Body of Christ, then does what we do affect each other? Joshua 7 offers us some sobering thoughts on that question.
Protecting the Word
This may be a new concept for some, but we’re looking at protecting the Word. We’ll be unpacking the story of Joshua and the battle of Jericho.
May 28, 2023
This may be a new concept for some, but we’re looking at protecting the Word. We’ll be unpacking the story of Joshua and the battle of Jericho.
Shut the Door
2 Kings 4 gives us a remarkable “Mother’s Day” story that we can all learn from.
May 14, 2023
2 Kings 4 gives us a remarkable “Mother’s Day” story that we can all learn from.
God Uses Who He Chooses!
This is a story that defies “church people logic” every step of the way. But it should bring us to a place of humility and hope.
May 7, 2023
This is a story that defies “church people logic” every step of the way. But it should bring us to a place of humility and hope.