XTREME Christianity: Fasting (Part 2)
Fasting, Part 2. Let’s try to answer the “Why should I fast?” question today.
February 16, 2025
Let’s try to answer the “Why should I fast?” question today.
XTREME Christianity: Fasting
When you think “fasting “, do you think xtreme? Let’s try to figure out what Jesus is talking about in Mark 9:29 and whether that has anything to do with us or not.
February 9, 2025
When you think “fasting “, do you think xtreme? Let’s try to figure out what Jesus is talking about in Mark 9:29 and whether that has anything to do with us or not.
XTREME Christianity
What would you consider an extreme Christian? We’re starting a new series today and will begin by observing how Jesus handled a problem situation in Mark 9.
February 2, 2025
What would you consider an extreme Christian? We’re starting a new series today and will begin by observing how Jesus handled a problem situation in Mark 9.
Storms at Sea: In the Boat with Jesus (Rev. Tyler Phillips)
Pulpit Swap Sunday! Welcome Reverend Tyler Phillips from Berryville Baptist Church, as he shares his message titled: Storms at Sea: In the Boat with Jesus.
January 26, 2025
Pulpit Swap Sunday! Welcome Reverend Tyler Phillips from Berryville Baptist Church, as he shares his message titled: Storms at Sea: In the Boat with Jesus.
Chosen or Plucked?
We’re all familiar with what it means to be chosen...or are we? Join me as we observe a heavenly scene in The Old Testament book of Zechariah.
January 12, 2025
We’re all familiar with what it means to be chosen...or are we? Join me as we observe a heavenly scene in The Old Testament book of Zechariah.
Time Management
Now that we’re in a New Year, let’s look at a resource we all have that seems to be in short supply: TIME.
January 5, 2025
Now that we’re in a New Year, let’s look at a resource we all have that seems to be in short supply: TIME.
Here Comes NEW!
It doesn't take long for the warm, fuzzy, Christmas Story, with Joseph and Mary, and Jesus in the manger, angels and shepherds, and gentle animals all around, to take a turn. Let's look at their "New Year" as we prepare for ours.
December 29, 2024
It doesn't take long for the warm, fuzzy, Christmas Story, with Joseph and Mary, and Jesus in the manger, angels and shepherds, and gentle animals all around, to take a turn. Let's look at their "New Year" as we prepare for ours.
Advent: Joy
We’re going to enter the “Reality Zone” in the book of James today as he teaches us how trouble can lead to joy.
December 15, 2024
We’re going to enter the “Reality Zone” in the book of James today as he teaches us how trouble can lead to joy.
Advent: Peace
Does Peace just happen, or is it the result or by-product of other things? Join me today as we ask and answer some challenging questions regarding Peace.
December 8, 2024
Does Peace just happen, or is it the result or by-product of other things? Join me today as we ask and answer some challenging questions regarding Peace.
Advent: Hope
As we enter Advent 2024, let’s begin by asking ourselves the following question, “Is hope and wishful thinking the same thing?”
December 1, 2024
As we enter Advent 2024, let’s begin by asking ourselves the following question, “Is hope and wishful thinking the same thing?”
Lessons from a Ford Ranger
In your everyday experience, how prominent is trust and peace? Or are they concepts we discuss, but never quite apply in our real lives?
November 24, 2024
In your everyday experience, how prominent is trust and peace? Or are they concepts we discuss, but never quite apply in our real lives?
If You Had To Choose…
Either or...it’s how we live our lives. Quality or quality...Reckless or reasonable...Trendy or traditional...Love or power. If you had to choose...But what if you didn’t have to choose between love and power? What if it was less about either/or, and more about the sequential order? If you had to choose...
November 17, 2024
Either or...it’s how we live our lives. Quality or quality...Reckless or reasonable...Trendy or traditional...Love or power. If you had to choose...But what if you didn’t have to choose between love and power? What if it was less about either/or, and more about the sequential order? If you had to choose...
Challenge & Chance
What do Joshua, Jesus, and You have in common?
November 10, 2024
What do Joshua, Jesus, and You have in common?
When it comes to the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts, are they a novelty or a necessity?
October 27, 2024
When it comes to the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts, are they a novelty or a necessity?
I heard a quote this week that prompted this message. “Sometimes, when we start working in our giftedness, it creates friction in the Body.” Join me as we go where things get uncomfortable.
October 20, 2024
I heard a quote this week that prompted this message. “Sometimes, when we start working in our giftedness, it creates friction in the Body.” Join me as we go where things get uncomfortable.
The Body of Christ - It's More Than What We Think
In our consumer driven attitude and mindset, have we, the Church, possibly lost sight of the biblical understanding, benefit, and responsibility of being a part of the Body of Christ?
October 13, 2024
In our consumer driven attitude and mindset, have we, the Church, possibly lost sight of the biblical understanding, benefit, and responsibility of being a part of the Body of Christ?
Fact Checker
Is it possible that God has placed an internal "Fact Checker" inside us that we haven't been acknowledging or utilizing?
October 6, 2024
Is it possible that God has placed an internal "Fact Checker" inside us that we haven't been acknowledging or utilizing?
So...are you living a THEORETICAL Christianity or a EXPERIENTIAL Christianity? Let's dare to delve into 1 Corinthians 12 for the answer.
September 29, 2024
So...are you living a THEORETICAL Christianity or a EXPERIENTIAL Christianity? Let's dare to delve into 1 Corinthians 12 for the answer.
Dealing with Distractions
What are the distractions in your life, and could they possibly be preventing things that are bigger than you realize?
September 22, 2024
What are the distractions in your life, and could they possibly be preventing things that are bigger than you realize?
Paradigm Shift
When it comes to biblical knowledge and spiritual power, are they the same, or different? You may need to take notes in this one.
September 15, 2024
When it comes to biblical knowledge and spiritual power, are they the same, or different? You may need to take notes in this one.